LIFE Value
wangzf / 2022-03-12
LIFE Value 是我的一个前领导在一家德国公司工作时的祖传个人价值观,是的,他传给了我。 我现在还记得他当时对我的教导,并且给我打印了一份,我回家就粘在办公桌边上的墙上吃灰了。 最近突然想回忆一下,所以稍作整理,希望有空的时候可以读一读,对照一下自己,帮助自己进步。 师父领进门,修行在个人
LIFE 价值观
目的:LIFE 四个字简洁明了,若在工作和生活中不断践行这四字原则,定会不断进步,离目标更近。 LIFE 四个字重在持续不断的实践,并定期给自己反馈,以更新改进计划。
Company: To us, Leadership means much more than retaining and extending our market positions. It applies to all our employees, not just managers. They should:
- Be passionate for people and performance
- Show personal drive, inspire and motivate others
- Be accountable for actions and results, successes and failures
- Treat others fairly and with respect
- Give clear, candid and timely feedback
- Manage conflicts constructively
Additional examples for managers with personnel responsibility
- Provide clarity and direction
- Think and act strategically
- Demand and recognize performance
- Ensure employability of staff by developing and coaching
- Build a strong and diverse talent pipeline
- 规划自己,制定目标(人生目标、长期目标 5 年计划、年计划),依据目标管理自己的行为
- 在技术上有自己的特长,在公司某个领域达到高级专家程度,以技术优势令同事信服和尊敬
- 清晰定义目标和项目的内容,明确地计划(Scope, Time, Cost, Quality),方案计划好之后再行动
- 定期或者阶段性自己反省,以及让别人给反馈;总结进步和不足,提出改进计划
- 离开集体和团队的努力,个人价值将无法实现。相信和肯定同事和团队成员,给别人合适的机会
- 定期与领导沟通,勇于承担自己的责任
- 目光长远,专注于未来的目标。当短期利益与长期利益矛盾,勇于放弃眼前利益
- 良好的沟通,准确、简洁地表达自己的思想,更能准确地理解他人表达与思想
- 工作行为符合公司业务需求,考虑公司利益和声望
- 心胸开阔
Company: Following the rules of law and regulations is a given to Bayer. Our integrity enhances the legitimacy of our operations and strengthens our reputation. The basic principles for this are:
- Be a role model
- Comply with laws, regulations and good business practices
- Trust others and build trustful relationships
- Be honest and reliable
- Listen attentively and communicate appropriately
- Ensure sustainability: balance short-term results with long-term requirements
- Care about people, safety and the environment
- 遵守法律以及各项公司制度
- 在公司内部,行为符合,合规要求(Compliance)
- 诚信,可靠,对承诺负责(say what you think, do what you said)
- 真诚对待家人、朋友和同事
- 耐心,集中注意力倾听别人
- 安全第一,生活和工作中践行安全、环保
Company: In today’s ever-changing business landscape, the ability to adapt to different situations is crucial for future success. Therefore, Flexibility means:
- Drive change actively
- Be ready to adapt to future trends and needs
- Challenge the status quo
- Think and act with customers in minds
- Seek out opportunities and take calculated risks
- Be open-minded
- Embrace lifelong learning
- 终生学习,满足将来的知识需求
- 虚心接受和评估别人的意见
- 有勇气改变可以改变的事情,有胸怀接受不可改变的事情
- 面对改变,积极主动适应,让自己适应环境的改变
Company: Efficiency implies our overall approach to make the best possible use of resources, thus improving our overall performance. This is achieved by:
- Manage resources smartly
- Focus on activities that create value
- Do things simply and effectively
- Deliver with appropriate costs, speed and quality
- Speed up good decision-making
- Be accountable for consistent execution
- Collaborate for better solutions
- 明确自己的需求,行为应该朝着需求的方向
- 根据工作需要和个人目标,确定学习内容,不做无效的学习
- 管理自己的时间,专注于重要的事情
- 将日程事情分类:重要的事情和紧急的事情
- 归纳和整理资源(知识、文件、工具、人脉),应用时能快速找到所需的资源
- 将思想和知识及时总结,并记录书写下来
- 为常规性、重复性的工作或任务总结操作指南和标准流程(包括:步骤、工具、文档模板),之后严格按照标准执行
- 积极与他人交流,多向专家请教